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Bursary Program

Initiated in 2017, the Cipla Bursary Program (CBP) is a strategic talent initiative designed to source and pre-select young talent for the Cipla Graduate Skills Program.

Applications for 2025 now closed.

About the program

The bursary program aims to widen opportunities for people from diverse backgrounds by providing appropriate and relevant funding that aligns with the Cipla Graduate Skills Program required qualifications (fields of study). Cipla SA awards bursaries to students studying at accredited PUBLIC tertiary learning institutions.

Bursars may be expected to work (vacwork) during specified vacations. The objective is to provide students opportunity to experience the world of work; and where possible – opportunity to transfer knowledge into skills.

Highly motivated, excellence-focused students, who are willing and able to fail and learn fast; who will innovate, collaborate and create the Cipla of tomorrow.

We’re looking for the change-makers, the insatiably curious, the socially intelligent, the culturally aware, the most resilient, most agile, the digital natives, the game-changers.

Students who consistently maintain a 70% average for each year of study; willing to participate in the Cipla ‘vacwork’ programs; and apply to the Cipla Graduate Skills Program.


  • Only applications via the Cipla careers online application system are considered. Incomplete applications are automatically disqualified.
  • Studying in a field listed in the ‘Fields of Study’
  • Documents (PDF format ) include single-page CV with photo; contact numbers/emails; SA identity #
  • Funding requests require supporting invoices, statements or quotes. If none provided, no funding will be given. For private accommodation – copy of lease or landlord affidavit
  • Once funding approved, we credit your institute student account. Funding is never paid directly into a student’s personal bank account.
  • Funding is ‘once off’ per year i.e., the students institute account is credited with the full amount, no additional funding request are accommodated thereafter. Funding is finalised by 30th March
  • Funding is reviewed annually, and continued on condition student maintains 70% average

Fields of Study

When funding students, the bursary committee considers CIPLA’s current and future succession plans, and the scarce skills needed to grow the business:

  • Computer and Information Sciences
  • Engineering
  • Economic Management Sciences
  • Graphic Design
  • Health Sciences
  • Human Sciences, Industrial Psychology, Human Resources
  • Manufacturing – logistics; demand planning; production; warehousing
  • Natural Sciences
  • Pharmacists
  • Social Sciences – Digital Marketing and Communications
  • Supply Chain

Frequently Asked Questions

Online Application Issues

I’m struggling to upload my documents using the Cipla on-line job application system.
If all else fails, try upload them in the ‘reference’ field of the online application form OR include them as part of your CV attachment (all in one pdf) and re-upload your CV.

Recent Transcripts

I don’t have my most recent transcripts.
Include your mid-year transcripts in the interim and forward your recent transcript as soon as you have it.

The institute won’t release my results as I have outstanding student fees.
Request institute to write a letter on their letterhead confirming your qualification; that you completed your studies and your student number and name reflect on their letter.

If I don’t meet the academic criteria in my first year – will I still be eligible?
Provided you achieved an average of 70% in your final year of studies, your previous years of studies results are not reviewed.


What do you fund?
Tuition, accommodation, meals, books and laptop (R8 000 max). Laptop funding for one laptop only during funding duration [Student account is credited, and institute purchases laptop on student’s behalf. Laptop belongs to student; maintenance, repairs, replacement; insurance; and software updates are the responsibility of the student.


What other benefits do Cipla bursars get?
All bursars have access to ICAS – the employee wellness program, which offers a variety of free counselling and wellness related services. Opportunity to apply to the Cipla Graduate Skills Program; Psychometric assessment feedback; vacwork; access to Cipla Subject Matter Experts (SME).

What qualifications are funded?

Do I have to be a Health Science graduate to apply?
Provided you meet all the bursary program criteria, and study one of the qualifications listed in the fields of study section

Graduate Skills Program

Do you take Honours, Masters or PhD students?
Yes we do consider funding for honours and masters students, provided you have a qualification which matches those listed in our Fields of Study section and meet all the bursary program criteria. PhD funding is reviewed on a case by case basis.


What type of vacwork do students?
Students are given opportunities to enhance their work experience within and outside of their fields of study, to give a holistic world of work experience.

Bursary Program

Am I guaranteed a job after?
Bursars who maintain a 70% during the funding period are invited to apply to the graduate program, should they successfully meet all the criteria, are offered an opportunity to join the 2-year graduate program.

Can I complete my internship at Cipla?
We make every effort to accommodate all our bursary students who are required to complete an internship, opportunity to intern at Cipla.

When is funding confirmed?
By the latest 30th March.

How many bursars do you fund each year?
On average between 20 and 30 students per year.

How will I be contacted if I’m successful?
By email and a letter of confirmation to both the student and the institute.